07 januar 2022

The Roots of Mathematics and Natural Laws. Materialism vs Theism

There is something mysterious about mathematics and how it is relevant in the natural sciences. Eugene Wigner in his paper "The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences", which even has its own Wikipedia page, says that this is mysterious, it has no rational explanation, it is a miracle, and we don’t understand it. Despite this, mathematics was one of his main tools for the work he did to earn his Nobel prize for his contributions to the theory of the atomic nucleus and the elementary particles in 1963. 

The 24 minutes long video discusses how we can understand this mystery.

It was a presentation categorized under "Science Perspectives" at the CIUS Fall Conference, Trondheim, Norway, 8 December 2021. Sorry for the missing first few seconds of audio.

It was different from all other presentations at the conference, as they were about ultrasound and its applications, i.e. in line with what CIUS stands for:  Centre for Innovative Ultrasound Solutions.